Friday, January 07, 2005

Use of GPS Tracking to assist in training exercise to evaluate K-9 team's accuracy in trailing the subject

GPS Tracking Log of 51 hour old trail run by Kali. Other K-9 handlers - please feel free to leave comments on trails or call-outs you and your dog have run Posted by Hello


At 5:43 PM, Blogger Lindy said...

Between the time the subject layed the trail and the time the K-9 team ran the trail (51 hrs) there were 40 mile an hour winds coming from an opposite direction as when the K-9 team ran the trail. There were also heavy rains. Both these conditions moved the scent around somewhat.

The blue line on the topo map is the trail the subject took and the read line shows where the K-9 team trailed the subject. At the far right of the map the red line (K-9 team) overshoots the turn and the K-9 is brought back by the handler to where he knew he was on trail. Otherwise, the K-9 did quite well in this testing exercise which led to the person who ran layed the trail. The K-9 did a good "jump up" id on the subject to indicate this was the subject for which we were looking.


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