Bloodhound Scents
Bloodhounds are the best breed for what we use them for, mantrailing. This does not mean that no other breed can trail. It simply means the Bloodhound breed seems to be the most qualified trailing breed when it comes to scent discrimination mantrailing.
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The train whistle seems to be so far in the distance and then it’s upon me, pulling me out of where I was. It’s not a train; it’s the tone pager blaring by my bedside
- it’s the middle of the night and you know by the tone that an alert has been issued. The sense of urgency starts to rumble in your gut. Before you get to the two-way radio a different tone goes off on the pager. It’s a full activation! You turn on the two-way radio and hear “net control” has been activated on the county Sheriff Department Emergency frequency. The phone rings and its dispatch. “The location is given and the question is asked, “What’s the eta for a Bloodhound team on scene?” You give your approximate time of arrival as 40 minutes. When I went to bed it was cold, now its 9 degrees with a wind-chill of 4 degrees above zero with blowing snow. You glance at the clock - its 2:38 AM. The page has gone out to mission ready K-9 teams of the Kent County Search and Rescue K-9 Unit but you know you are the closest to the scene based on the other dog team's locations. They are an hour and a half or more away so you will be the first dog team to arrive. The radio beams out the staging area location but dog teams are to go directly to the scene. It’s a missing 10 year old and his parents think he’s out there in the cold with only his pajamas and a light coat. The Bloodhound named Kali likes to sleep but not as much as she likes to trail and find someone in need. The tone of my voice on the phone must have been the clue as she is standing by my side slowly wagging that big tail and giving out a few audible whimpers. Or maybe it was the adrenalin coursing through my veins that gave it away. The thought of a little boy out in this bitterly cold night, maybe hurt and unable to walk and freezing to death causes that cautious and deliberate rush to “get going.” It’s time to quickly suit up, load up and go!
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