Bloodhound Scents
Bloodhounds are the best breed for what we use them for, mantrailing. This does not mean that no other breed can trail. It simply means the Bloodhound breed seems to be the most qualified trailing breed when it comes to scent discrimination mantrailing.
Tuesday, January 04, 2005
K-9 SAR Presentations & Demonstrations available for Schools and Community Groups

(Click on the letter to enlarge for reading)
Thank you letter for Kiwanis Club luncheon presentation and demonstration with Kali the Bloodhound trailing one of the members from the restaurant banquet room, through the kitchen, out the back of the restaurant, through the parking lot, down the street and back to the front of the restaurant. The person who had laid the trail was standing with two other people when the Bloodhound did her gentle "jump up" id of the subject, telling the handler the subject had been found. In this case the subject was Kiwanis Club member Dr. Robin Vaughan.