Bloodhound Scents
Bloodhounds are the best breed for what we use them for, mantrailing. This does not mean that no other breed can trail. It simply means the Bloodhound breed seems to be the most qualified trailing breed when it comes to scent discrimination mantrailing.
Friday, January 07, 2005
K-9 Handlers Search/Trailing Experiences
This is a place where K-9 teams/handlers can post information on actual searches and training exercises in which they have participated. Hopefully the dialog/comments in this area will be of interest and educational value to fellow Bloodhound/K-9 handlers, law enforcement/emergency personnel and the general public.
Important Information for First Responders at the Scene
We attend a yearly Bloodhound Trailing seminar/school put on by the Virginia Bloodhound Search and Rescue Association. We are also members of VBSAR. The two documents in the "comments" area give valuable information to "first responders and Search Managers" that can help greatly in the successful conclusion of a search for a missing or lost person. This information can be very useful to law enforcement, emergency service agencies and the general public.
To contact Mid-Michigan Working Dogs and utilize our services call your local law enforcement agency and request they call us.
Pager: 989-920-1577
Telephone: 989-261-7446
Team Ron and Kali

Making a find
Kali has her MT Trailing Certification from the American Bloodhound Club and her L.E.T.S. (Law Enforcement Training Specialist) certification. Kali and her handler are members of Mid-Michigan Working Dogs, Tri-State K-9 Search and Rescue and the Virginia Bloodhound Search and Rescue organization.